Fighting the Locum Surgical Reg
As a surgical trainee, there is always a constant, nagging pressure for numbers, numbers, numbers! Looming ever-present in our subconsciousness is the next stony-faced ARCP panel member peering over the top of their glasses and demanding an explanation for exactly why our numbers are so disappointing. Unfortunately, this pressure can on occasion lead to the rather undignified business of sharking - ie getting involved in an operation that another surgeon feels should be 'theirs' by virtue of the rota, groundwork with the patient or relationship with the consultant. Yesterday I found myself at somewhat of a loose end (not counting my overflowing in-tray of admin paperwork). Thankfully, just as I was about to grudgingly settle in for a session with the dictaphone, I got a call from one of the consultant to say that a cholecystitis patient on the ward was getting a little septic, and he needed someone to book her onto the emergency list for a cholecystectomy. I dr...