
This website has been created at the same time that I have got my specialty training number in General Surgery (ST3).

The reason for creating this site is that throughout Core Surgical Training I found that there is a wealth of published content describing the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology on which surgical practice is based. Equally, guideline and trials are published faster than you could read them to guide Consultants and Trusts in the best treatment options for groups of patients.

In contrast, the practicalities and challenges of how to be a Surgical Registrar is largely learnt by trial and error or passed on by word of mouth.

The contents of this site is aimed at being of some use to CT1-ST3 level surgical trainees, however if you're a Foundation Doctor or Medical Student hoping to apply to surgery, there may be something of interest to you too.

Of course it goes without saying that you are responsible to the GMC for your own actions in clinical practice. Nothing on this site is a substitute for adequate supervision or experience, and if you are not competant or confident in a procedure or patient's management you should not be doing it.

Remember that the contents published here are only the opinions of a Junior Registrar and you should speak to the Surgical Consultant responsible for your patient's care if you are in any doubt as to what you should do!


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